The Innovation Potential of Diversity

Practical Examples for the Innovation Management

In order to be innovative, an organisation has to utilise the skills of all its employees. Implementing the potential of women, older staff members as well as people with different backgrounds leads to more creative ideas, new approaches and results in more innovative products. But how can a company use the innovative potential of its diverse workforce? And how can customer diversity be used to create innovations?

This book answers these questions as well as many more related to the topic of diversity management and innovation. Special emphasis is put on the role of women in the innovation system. Therefore, the language and effects of pictures used in job advertisements are addressed. Moreover, measures to advocate highly innovative women are identified including their demands regarding workplace requirements.

In addition, the book deals with diversity management in both publicly-traded companies and public institutions. Furthermore children as Lead Users testing along the product development process are addressed as well. Given the fact that innovation does not only comprise products, but also services, a chapter focusing on the effect of diversity on service innovations is included.

Fraunhofer IAO
Anne Spitzley (Ed.)
Peter Ohlhausen (Ed.)
Dieter Spath (Ed.)
190 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8396-0201-0

Euro 29,95
(Preis incl. Mwst., zzgl. Porto und Verpackung: Pauschal € 5,-/Posten)

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