FutureHotel Building 2052 (English E-Book)

Visions and Solutions for Hotel Buildings of the Future; a Study of the Joint Research Project FutureHotel

The study »FutureHotel Building 2052« presents sustainable possibilities for developing the hotel oft he future. Areas of innovation will be discussed from the planning process up to building automation, and a FutureHotel Building vision for the year 2052 will be presented.

The study covers the following topics:
- Summary of current visions and scenarios for the year 2052
- Identification of relevant trends and developments
- Presentation of various areas of innovation and the resulting potential for the hotel industry
- FutureHotel vision for the year 2052 and subsequent implications for hotel projects in practice.

The study provides investors and hoteliers, as well as their planners and consultants, concrete aids to ease decision-making processes and ensure long-term competitiveness. The individual strategy should always be adjusted to the specific situation and requirements of the respective hotel’s operations, as each hotel is unique and must find its own niche to be competitive.

Fraunhofer IAO
Vanessa Borkmann
Sascha Klein
Janina Lambertus
Stefan Rief
Fraunhofer Verlag
138 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8396-1109-8

Euro 98,00
(Preis incl. Mwst., zzgl. Porto und Verpackung: Pauschal € 5,-/Posten)
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FutureHotel Building 2052

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