Future R&D
Trends and Success Factors in Industrial Research and Development
Current geopolitical and economic turbulences destabilize markets, technological trends such as the digital transformation of industries produce new winners and losers. This offers opportunities, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, which can recognize these potentials and use them for profitable growth.
The study "Future R&D" describes current challenges and provides the latest findings on R&D trends, goals and success factors from the perspective of technology-oriented companies as well as case studies from the business practice of numerous R&D experts.
Fraunhofer IAO
Frank Wagner
Marco Kayser
Michaela Keßelring
Fraunhofer Verlag
45 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8396-1475-4
Euro 39,00
(Preis incl. Mwst., zzgl. Porto und Verpackung: Pauschal € 5,-/Posten)
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Future R&D
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