Coworking - Innovationstreiber für Unternehmen / Coworking - Driver of Innovation for Companies
(Text zweisprachig Deutsch und Englisch / text bilingual German and English)
As early as three years ago, even before coworking was a buzz word, our study »The Fascination of Coworking - Potentials for Companies and their Employees« was published. The book was met with great interest in equal measure from freelancers and startups, coworking spaces and businesses. The next step is taken with this study: we address the question how businesses, who are already familiar with the subject coworking, evaluate its consequences concerning their capacity of innovation and other fascinating criteria.
Fraunhofer IAO
Wilhelm Bauer (Hrsg.)
Klaus-Peter Stiefel
Stefan Rief
Fraunhofer Verlag
118 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8396-1258-3
Euro 29,00
(Preis incl. Mwst., zzgl. Porto und Verpackung: Pauschal € 5,-/Posten)
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